Stealth Startup

Stealth Startup

Stealth Startup

This Stealth startup is going to revolutionize the fintech industry. The web and mobile platform for employees, as well as HR and finance, enables everyone to manage finances with a breeze.

What we worked on

UX Design & Research UI Design for Web & Mobile Logo & Branding Sales & Pitch Deck Material

Year completed



The Stealth team tasked us to think about a platform that turns a dry topic with a lot of numbers into... fun! We started off with basic research about all the user groups we will encounter, from employee to HR. The first few visuals were wireframes, to give a basic understanding of the user flows, and how they are connected with each other.


The main challenge was to turn data and numbers into easy-to-consum charts. People needed to look at a screen and see if "everything goes to plan". Especially creating charts that "look into the future" were quite challenging.


The end result for now are 2 beautiful tools: a finance platform that enables every company, big or small, to manage their employee's finances. For the employee, there is a beautiful, easy-to-use app, that encourages the user to "be positive about the future".