Deltia AI

Deltia AI

Deltia AI

Deltia AI is the co-pilot for the manufactoring industry, by capturing data in a way never seen before, and turning it into actionable items.

What we worked on

User Research (off-site in 3 EU-countries) UI/UX Design Rapid Prototyping Developer Handoffs Logo & Branding

Year completed

In Progress


Deltia AI, as most new startups, needed to find product market fit. We integrated into their team as the first designers and started to implement our design process. The first few weeks were marked by user research, that turned into the first few screens. There was already an app in place, but usage was low and users often reported simple usability issues.


Two main challenges were encountered: How to get quality feedback from limited customer interactions, and how to turn complex data into easy to read charts. The first issue was tackled by actually going straight to the users, meeting them, and following them in their daily life, which gave us incredible insights into their daily operations. All that was collected in a new feedback database.


Firstly, we managed to get the first daily active users, thanks to new features and clean UI. Second, we implemented a feature delivery process that enabled everyone to stay on top of what feature comes next and why. And finally, a new website was published (together with a new logo), that enabled the team to increase the number of leads.